Friday, 2 May 2008

One Sick Fuck

This is all I can think of "WTF", but it's sure as hell one of the worst damn stories that I have seen in a WHILE! This is totally SICK... You've probably already read about it, but I just recently caught up to the story. Click Link Below>>

Pictured: Inside the cellar where father locked daughter for 24 years and repeatedly raped her

Happy Friday... AJ


me said...

the real sad thing is that they reported today that the girl is close to death.
what a sick sick world we live in!

me said...

"Police are looking at planning records to see if Fritzl ever notified authorities about the building work."

yeah, cos thats the main concern here!

Anonymous said...

It's always the little Austrians...

Anonymous said...

I agree with you cappy. what I find so sad is the poor girl will never have known the outside world and freedom AT ALL because she was already in a coma when she was brought out.

Aunt Jackie said...

So many sickos in the world, so little poison.