Saturday, 24 May 2008

I it when traditional martial arts practitioners claim their style "works", and that jiu-jitsu's ok if you get taken down, but it's easy to beat if you stay on your feet.
Check out this dude's attempt to prove said theory.

Listeing to :- Story of a lonely guy - Blink 182

Friday, 23 May 2008

So now you know......

WTF may stand for:

* What the fuck, a common expression of confusion or annoyance, especially in internet slang.

* Waking the Fallen, an album by Avenged Sevenfold

* Werewolf: The Forsaken, a role-playing game developed by White Wolf Game Studio

* World Taekwondo Federation, the International Federation member of the International Olympic Committee for the sporting aspects of taekwondo

* Work Time Fun, a game for the PlayStation Portable

* Working Title Films, a United Kingdom film production company

* Walking Through Fire, album by April Wine

* Weight transfer front, weight transferred to the front of a car during cornering

* wtf, a command line acronym database that first appeared in NetBSD 1.5, and has been ported to many other Unix operating systems

* The Daily WTF, a humorous technology blog, previously known as Worse Than Failure

* WTF Froster, beverage from Mac's Convenience Stores

* Weapons Task Force, creators of the SO Mod for Delta Force: Xtreme

* Where's the Fire, a column on the tech blog Technorati.

World Taekwondo Federation eh? We don't want to upset them.....


watched it five times now, i still don't know what it's selling! if it is at all!

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Pull the other one...

Be on the road friday, so this one's early. But worth it.