isn't that what he "signed up" for anyway?
my only concern is the poor fuckers that are stationed with the ginger haired twat! they may as well have fucking targets painted on them....
scrounging little drag on the taxpayers wallet.
your time would be better spent proving what we all know.
that charles aint your dad.
cunts. the lot of em.
happy happy happy!
Haven't talked to Chelsey, but I ass-ume that Harry's "timely withdrawal" is a first ;-)
He's been there since December and nobody noticed! Says it all.
hes back home now
In the aircarft carrying i.a. harry, were 2 injured real soldiers. One had lost a leg, the other an arm. Harry still has both arms, including the one on which he wore a swastika armband.
87 real soldiers came home in a coffin so far, and yet the UK press insists on lionizing Harry as a hero. Shame on them.
God bless the Royals. God bless 'em one and all.
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