Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Just gruesome can we get? I just got some video emailed to me from China that made me go What the Fuck..., but i don't want to freak anyon out. I guess I could post with a warning, what do the WTF team say?


katy said...

I say post it, we can avert our eyes if we are too sqeamish!

me said...

is it the fur trade thing?
whatever it is, i reckon link it.
personally i think we can handle it, but just in case there are some sensitive souls, lets play it safe eh?
any other thoughts?

A new Ron,ron,ron a new ron,ron said...

Not fur trade, a traffic video.

Anonymous said...

wait, there's a wtf team?

is it a sex-trafficking video? if so, post it

me said...

yay! the revolution WILL be televised!

Cynnie said...

post it !!!