Friday, 23 May 2008

So now you know......

WTF may stand for:

* What the fuck, a common expression of confusion or annoyance, especially in internet slang.

* Waking the Fallen, an album by Avenged Sevenfold

* Werewolf: The Forsaken, a role-playing game developed by White Wolf Game Studio

* World Taekwondo Federation, the International Federation member of the International Olympic Committee for the sporting aspects of taekwondo

* Work Time Fun, a game for the PlayStation Portable

* Working Title Films, a United Kingdom film production company

* Walking Through Fire, album by April Wine

* Weight transfer front, weight transferred to the front of a car during cornering

* wtf, a command line acronym database that first appeared in NetBSD 1.5, and has been ported to many other Unix operating systems

* The Daily WTF, a humorous technology blog, previously known as Worse Than Failure

* WTF Froster, beverage from Mac's Convenience Stores

* Weapons Task Force, creators of the SO Mod for Delta Force: Xtreme

* Where's the Fire, a column on the tech blog Technorati.

World Taekwondo Federation eh? We don't want to upset them.....

1 comment:

A new Ron,ron,ron a new ron,ron said...

Taekwondo's for girls dude. See posted video.