Friday, 11 July 2008

Dracula was a right little tit!

A hotel receptionist got a shock when she felt a vibration in her underwear and realised a bat was hiding in her bra. Abbie Hawkins told the Eastern Daily Press she had felt something moving inside her clothes, but assumed it was her mobile phone. Hours later(sic!), she discovered a furry stowaway had been keeping her company since she got dressed that morning. "The night before I had had one or two drinks . . ." Yeah, nuff said.

Details here :-


Anonymous said...

the night before she had drinks??????????????

Anonymous said...

Probably Bloody Marys ;-)

Aunt Jackie said...

HAHAHA That's so cute... Bats are cute.

I'm sure that the woman was probably wondering WTF though!

I vote overconsumption of Tequila.

The Preacherman said...

I must now confess to being a bat from midnight.......