every friday a new post that asks the age old question "WTF?" it could be serious, it most probably will be funny, but it'll make you think! and if theres anyone else out there who'd like to contribute, then let me know, and i'll gladly and willingly add you as an editor! the only rule being it must be posted on fridays.... ttfn.
Stu, do you need me to show you how to link that?
Yes please
It's pretty straightforward.
Type this html code, but substitute < in place of the ( and > in place of )
only put a space in the code where I've put one
(a href="insert the full web address here, including the quotation marks")type whatever you want the link to say here(/a)
This html code will work with any wepage you need to link.
Let me know if it works for you.
OK, let's see if I'm getting this right. This should link to
my blog if I understeed you correctly.
Sweet.Congrats, you're in the club.
Just for that, I'm gonna link you.
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