Saturday, 22 March 2008


An Australian pensioner has reportedly killed himself after building a "suicide robot" from plans downloaded from the internet.

This robot is not so dangerous. (what? it just kills you?). The 81-year-old, from Queensland, set up the machine to remotely fire a semi-automatic pistol.

When he activated it, it fired several shots into his head.

The man, who lived alone, left a suicide note saying he was unhappy at being forced by relatives to move into care home.

Full details of how the machine worked have not been released.

The man explained in his notes that he set the machine up on his driveway as he knew there were builders next door, and they would be alerted by the sound of gunshot.

All right it's Saturday. I'm a shift worker for fucks sake!!!!


cher said...

i think its brilliant.
i also wonder what kind of care home doesn't notice someone building this machine, walking it down the hall, out the lobby, into the driveway and then well, blowing his own head off.
maybe they were on lunch?

katy said...

poor bugger.
hey i want one but not for me i just know a few people we could do without in this world!

d34FpUpPy said...

move 2 oregon they will kill u instead of doin it's all legal n all 2

A new Ron,ron,ron a new ron,ron said...

Too true, Pup. Very big on Physician assisted suicide, we are.