Friday, 7 March 2008

And Leading the War on Drugs is...

We know there is a big drug problem in the world today, and personally I believe that legalizing it all would be their best bet. The addicts would die off probably, and the dealers would have no reason to be criminals. It would eliminate a whole hell of a mess really.

But instead, officials constantly search for new ways to fight the war on drugs... The funniest two cases, are these.

1. New Strategy in War on Drugs: Ban Sale of Tiny Plastic Bags

Seems Chicago thinks they've done it: Tiny plastic bags used to sell small quantities of heroin, crack cocaine, marijuana and other drugs would be banned in Chicago, under a crackdown advanced Tuesday by a City Council committee.

Oh yes--That will stop it for sure!

2. 'Bum Bot' Robot Cop Drives Away Drug Dealers

An Atlanta bar owner's remote-controlled chicken smoker-chassis robot shoots high-pressure water gun at bums, punks, and dirtbags. <--Really, you gotta read that one!!!

You guys and gals have a fantastic WTF Friday!!!


Anonymous said...

in my neighborhood there's a war if there are no drugs.

BBC said...

I kind of liked the Bum Bot. The best way to gain on the war on drugs is to give them all they want. Then refuse to help them after they fuck their lives all up.

They could serve as examples, maybe others would see and not do them. Na, the monkeys are idiots.


free vodka would solve all the worlds problems