Friday, 22 February 2008

Pissed Off!!!

Well I have to say I haven't researched much for the WTF for this week, and have had a bunch of stuff going on... However, I say "WTF" to the guys who came into our work garage and stole as many Catalytic Converters as they could get their hands on... Assholes!

The security and police caught up to them JUST AS they were sawing my very own muffler to pieces trying to get mine, so my car was still jacked up and everything. So I have had trouble getting to work for the last 2 days because of some stupid Thugs who don't want to work themselves, but will pay $4.00 USD to go into a garage in the middle of the day during Lunch Hour, to steal from hard working people.

To these guys I say "WTF?!?! and I hope you rot in hell."



They had their hands on your muffler???? Good grief! Is nowt sacred????

me said...

i'm sorry, run that by me again...
they pay $4? to get into a garage?
are we talking the type that you park your car in, not a petrol station?
and why specificaly during a lunch hour? surely theres more chance of someone seeing them than during working hours?
and also what use are the cat's after they are sawn from the exhaust? surely they would be useless then?
proof that criminal minds are not the sharpest!

Aunt Jackie said...

Yes, definitely. And they were in our parking garage.

Supposedly the metals that the Catalytic Converters are made from get them a pretty penny!