Saturday 26 January 2008

Jesus fucking Christ

I'm late ..sorry!

RETAIL bosses may have to issue bizarre health warnings on its clothing mannequins - after a punter said he got his MANHOOD trapped in one.

The man, 31, rang officials at an online firm to whinge that he got “part of himself” stuck in a 24mm hole on a female display bust.

The unnamed customer from Doncaster, South Yorks, had ordered the display mannequin over the internet mistakenly thinking it was an adult sex toy. He had to use a pair of heavy duty scissors to cut the dummy and set himself free.

Cheekily instead of feeling a right dummy, he then asked for a REFUND from the suppliers but they were said to have “politely refused.”

Officials at Displaysense which makes sales displays for retail outlets are now considering whether to carry warnings on each bust and on their website to stop future potential incidents happening.

Steve Whittle the marketing manager of Displaysense said: “I’m stunned by this incident.

“These busts are for display purposes only and no where on the website or in the products packaging does it state that they should be used for adult means.

“Apparently the bust was so durable, the man was concerned he might have to call the fire brigade to liberate him.

“But thankfully, a pair of heavy duty scissors were able to cut apart the female bust to release him and relieve his delicate area.

“After freeing himself, he made a call to Displaysense to complain about the user friendliness of the female bust and that this was not what he had ordered.

“During the phone call the gentleman in question demanded a refund on the now dismantled female bust at which point the refund request was politely refused.”

The sales team were said to have been “stunned and embarassed” by the complaint.

In 2005, Michael Plentyhorse an 18 year old from the US was caught after performing an indecent act with an arts centre mannequin from another company.

Mr Whittle added: “We’ve just added these busts to our range and we normally expect some initial teething problems but not in our 30 years of business have we experienced such an incident.

“I just hope we don’t have to go to the extent of placing a warning sticker onto the bust to deter people from considering such inappropriate acts in the future”.


me said...

lord above!
cynnie, the scary thing is that doncaster is on MY doorstep!!

and no, it wasn't me before you ask! i have more descerning tastes!

mind, thinking back to kim catterall in manequin........

katy said...

what a pratt, i can't beleive he owned up to this!!!

Anonymous said...

check out the mannequins on - they sure look good, but how could anyone make that mistake!!!

A new Ron,ron,ron a new ron,ron said...

Funny, I wwas going to mention the South Yorkshire connection too. Must be something in the water...

Anonymous said...

I have tried it myself and its not much fun...

billy pilgrim said...

did he have no control of his blood flow?

maybe a priapism warning would be prudent.

Suzanne said...

Didn't read the post...well briefly. Saw your comment on another blog. You look after kitties for cat protection? Are you joking? Tell me you are and I'll be able to go to sleep. No, really.



LMAO!!! Brilliant!!!!!