Friday 14 March 2008

Sodomy now illegal in Holland

Just yesterday, in a change of the local law, Holland banned sodomy (=sex with animals).
A spokesman for the Amsterdam bar "Tight Pussy" stated sheepishly that they will be in for a period(sic!) of reorientation and a change of clientele. Apropos change of clientele,
on the same day the German high court confirmed that incest remains illegal in Germany;
it is also reported that fEWEr family visitors from the United States are expected this year.
OTOH, sodomy has been legal here since 1969 (in Austria since 1971) and in Switzerland for an even longer time, the countries where tup-tup-tup-aware parties thrive ;-)


me said...

forgive my ignorance/too much knowledge (delete as applicable) but isn't sex with animals beastiality?
sodomy is anal sex no?


Anonymous said...

American heritage Dictionary:-

(sŏd'ə-mē) Pronunciation Key
n. Any of various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, especially anal intercourse or bestiality.

A new Ron,ron,ron a new ron,ron said...

"Animal, vegetable or mineral, I'll do anything to anything."
I think it only refers to sticking it in the animals ass, otherwise it's straight beastiality.

Anonymous said...

Just looked up the original Dutch wording. "Sex with animals" is what they've forbidden.

there has been some discussion in Germany about where the borderline of Incest is. Originally the bible said no cross breeding within 14 generations. In the 18th/19th century this was cut back to 7, then 4. The current definition sets the border - equally arbitrarily - at second cousins.
We know from aristocracy that inbreeding leads to genetic defects, such as imbecility.
Redneck America supports this evidence, I'm told ;-)

The high court has now ruled to stay with the second-cousin limit here. What is it in your countries folks?

Roger S said...

Nice blog you havee